Success Lessons from Bamboo

There are many things we can learn from nature. And one of the most remarkable stories one can learn about success is from the story of a bamboo tree.

If you haven’t heard about the story of the bamboo, then great, continue to read on and you will discover the essence of life and success from the bamboo.

If you have heard about the story, still, continue to read on because I’m bringing the story from my own point of view. Let’s dive in…

The Bamboo Tree Story

Like all other plants and trees, the Chinese bamboo tree requires nurturing through water, fertile soil, and also with enough sunshine to ensure that it grows.

If you plant a bamboo tree and you give it enough water, the right soil, and also enough exposure to sunlight, you will NEVER see any visible growth in the first year.

Even if you have done everything correct, you will never see it grows.

And if you continue to nurture the bamboo tree, even after the second year, you will see no changes to the bamboo. And if you choose to continue on for the third and fourth year, still, nothing’s going to happen.

But, in the fifth year, something amazing will happen. The bamboo tree that you planted will grow to 80 feet tall in just six weeks!

Why is that so? For the first four years, nothing had happened, but in the fifth year, the bamboo tree grows to 80 feet tall in just a short six weeks.

Does this mean that within the first four years, nothing has happened to the bamboo? Nope, not at all, in fact, the bamboo tree is growing, UNDERGROUND, but you can’t see it.

The bamboo tree is a type of tree where it can grow super tall and because of its potential height.

And because of its height, it requires a strong foundation for developing a root system to support its outward growth. If the bamboo did not grow its root for a strong foundation in the first few years, it can never grow 80 feet above the ground.

The Bamboo Tree and Your Life

So, what does the bamboo tree has to do with you or your life? Everything. It is a perfect metaphor we can use to relate to everything we do in life.

Many people have dreams and goals. For instance, you may have a dream of building a successful business, or building a great career, or living your dream life.

In the first few years, no matter what career or business you ventured into, it will be extremely difficult.

You may have poured in the necessary time and effort into your goals and projects, but nothing seems to be happening.

And this is just like the bamboo tree.

In the first couple of years, nothing seems to grow from the ground even if you nurture the tree, giving it enough water, provide it with fertile soil, and make sure it has enough sunlight.

When most people pursue a goal or work on a project, if they don’t see any results after some time, they are going to give up.

I’m not sure where you are right now in your life, but I do believe that there are goals that you have set, but failed to achieve. Just think about why you failed at your goals.

The answer is common, I believe most people fail to achieve their goals because they give up and quit.

When people first set the goal, they feel excited and motivated. They are willing to take massive action.

However, after some time down the road, especially when they don’t see any progress, they started to lose faith and hope. They started to lose their interest with the goal, which eventually lead them to quitting.

Take losing weight as an example. Most people are so motivated and fired up to want to lose the extra fat in their bodies. They bought the running shoe and also signed up for a gym class.

However, after a while, it could be a few weeks or months later, they started to lose hope for their goals and lose their steam too.

As a result, they tend to put in less effort. And as time went through, they forgot about their goals and eventually got busy with other things in their lives.

Does this sound familiar?

The 6 Success Lessons to Learn from the Bamboo Tree

This is why you want to learn from the bamboo tree. There are so many things we can learn from nature.

Below are the 6 success lessons you should from the bamboo story…

1. Success Doesn’t Come Right Away

The first success lesson you should learn from the bamboo tree story is that success does not come right away.

When you poured in the hard work and dedicated a lot of your time to your goals and dreams, it does not mean that you will get to see the result immediately.

As the saying goes, β€œRome was not built in a day.” Do you workout and exercise in the gym for a day and expect to lose all the fat on your body? Not at all, you don’t expect that, right?

So, what makes you expect that success will come to you right away?

Tony Robbins is right when he said that most people overestimated what they can do in a year and they underestimated what they can do in ten years.

One year will pass in an instant. And if you are not working consistently toward your goals, the year will be gone and you will accomplish nothing.

Give your goals and dreams more time. And at the same time, work on them consistently and things are going to take time.

Therefore, expect to take longer to achieve your goals, especially the worthy and big goals that will change your life forever.

2. Success Requires a Strong Foundation

The bamboo tree can never grow to 80 feet tall if it did not grow its root deep into the ground in the first few years. And the same applies to your life.

Spend time to build a strong foundation. This is especially important if your goals are big and your dreams are beyond your current level.

The problem with most people is that they don’t work on improving themselves. They don’t commit to the principle of constant and never-ending improvement. And they don’t commit to deliberate practice.

Increase and Improve Your Level

First, you must raise your level in both your knowledge and your characters before you can achieve a better result in life.

Imagine if you are at level 3 and your problem or obstacle is at level 5, it will be a big problem for you. However, things will be different when you level up yourself.

Just like playing games, when you level up, you become better. You raise your level to level 7. And now you will look at a level 5 problem as a small problem. Do you get that?

Always remember this, the size of the problems don’t matter; what truly matters is the size of you.

When you equipped yourself with powerful knowledge and built yourself with successful characters, you can achieve anything you set out to achieve.

Deliberate Practice

Next, you must commit to deliberate practice. Merely practicing every day will never make you better, unless you practice your skill deliberately. Allow me to explain…

Imagine if you are an avid jogger. You have jog for the last ten years, so does that make you a great jogger and you can enter the Olympics?

Highly likely not. Why is that?

The reason is obvious; you are practicing to make it permanent instead of deliberately practicing to improve your skill.

Simply jog for years will never improve your ability. You will hit the plague and that’s the maximum you can go.

Unless you change your strategy and deliberately practice to improve your skill, you will never get ahead.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you set mini targets to hit every time you jog?
  • Do you take note of your heartbeat and breathing?
  • Do you just jog or do you combine jog and run?
  • How do you measure your speed, duration, blood pressure, and also your breathing?
  • Do you have a coach to look at your feedback?
  • How do you record your result?

Please understand this, practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice only makes permanent.

What makes perfect is deliberate practice. Meaning, you practice something for the sake of improvement and to become better.

And that’s the key to success.

If you are serious about improving your skills and becoming better in what you do, deliberate practice is what you need. You can read Cal Newport’s best-selling book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World to learn about more the subject matter.

One of the best books on improving your work. Get this book on Amazon.

Hence, learn to grow a strong foundation like the bamboo tree.

3. Success Is About Your Consistency

Without consistently watering, nurturing and giving enough sunshine to the bamboo tree, it can never grow. What happens if you only nurture and water it the first month, and then do nothing for the next two months, and only decide to continue at it again?

It will never experience full growth, and you may even kill the bamboo. And this is exactly how most people treat their goals and dreams.

They think about them and work on them in the beginning, but eventually, they lose steam and never do it again.

Most people got the wrong perception and think that success is something that happens in an instant, with the right decision, at the right place, and at the right time.

This is not always the case. While I do understand that there are exceptions, most of the time, these special cases never happen. Success is about putting in consistent effort.

You cannot build a successful blog if you are just publishing only one post on it. Unless you are a celebrity, you need to put in the consistent effort to make it work.

I like the quote from Aristotle:

β€œWe are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

It is what you do every day that matters, not what you do once in a while. What you do each day has a bigger impact than what you do once every quarter.

So don’t get it wrong by thinking that you just need to do it right for once and success will come to you.

It is a continuous effort. And always remember this, taking small steps every day will add up and give you a big result.

Read: 10 Amazing Methods How to Be Consistent in Achieving Your Goals

4. Don’t Forget to Nurture Your Dreams

A lot of people forget to nurture their dreams. They plan to write an article or hit the gym to work out at night, but when the time comes, they either procrastinate or have completely forgotten about what they need to get done.

And when they remember that they needed to write the article or exercise, it will be too late and they will usually say, β€œTomorrow!”

Never let this happen to you, my friend. I suffer from procrastination and keep telling myself stories too.

And here’s a quote that I remind myself each and every day:

“Success is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

So always keep your dreams in your head. Never let it slips by. You have to consistently remind yourself of what you want to accomplish in life and affirm your goals every single day.

This is why I suggest you set daily goals:
The Importance of Daily Goal Setting and How to Do It Right

The moment you lose sight of your goals will be the moment you procrastinate and never do anything about them. Whatever is out of your sight will be out of your mind.

5. Believe Without Doubts

Another important lesson you must learn from the bamboo tree story is that you need to believe in yourself and your dreams without a doubt.

Of course, this does not mean that you should just believe, wait and do nothing about it. You should believe in yourself and your dreams, and at the same time, work on them.

A lot of people fail to do this when they put in their effort and time but never get to see the results.

If you want to be a successful blogger, will you continue to write and publish quality content even if you are not earning anything from your blog, yet? How long will you do it for?

If you want to be a businessman, will you continue to work hard, strive to get more clients and buyers even when you are having tough times? And how long you can do that?

Highly successful people understand that success is not easy because if it is easy, everyone will be successful.

And because it is hard and requires tremendous effort especially in the early stage, you must proceed with absolute belief without a shadow of doubts.

When you look at extraordinary people such as Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Michael Jordan, Will Smith, Dwayne Johnson, Les Brown, and more, you will notice that there are many times they wanted to quit, but somehow, they choose to believe in themselves and their dreams, and they choose to move on. And that’s how they became successful.

The best way to maintain your momentum is to get someone to guide you. And you can always learn from other successful people who have done it.

If you want to discover how you can shortcut yourself to success and have something to show you the way, watch this training right now.

6. Patience and Persistence Will Pay Off

One of the most profound lessons you can learn from the bamboo tree story is none other than this – your patience and persistence will pay off.

As we have talked about it above, success will never come to you that fast and you will need to have the patience to go through the hard work in order to produce the result you desire.

And this is exactly where most people fail. Most people don’t have the patience. This is why people buy lotteries, find quick ways to lose weight and fall for get-rich-quick schemes.

While it is true that you can build a successful business with today’s technology in a faster manner, but that will still require your effort and time.

Thus, have patience and persistence, my friend. No matter what happens, tell yourself to move on and keep going forward. And don’t give up.

β€œPress on: nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.”

Calvin Coolidge

Read: 7 Steps How To Not Give Up On Your Dreams

So, what do you think about the story of the bamboo? Do you learn something from it?

Let me know what you think in the comment box below.

This article may contain affiliate links. Meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. As always, I only recommend products and services I trust.

By Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

23 thoughts on “The 6 Success Lessons You Should Learn From A Bamboo Tree”
    1. Hello there, thanks for leaving your comment. Sure, will keep up with the good work. You inspired me. πŸ™‚

  1. I just listened to Les Brown speech and found your article this is so what I needed right now. Thanks for the inspiration

    1. Hello Natalie, yeah, great speech and metaphor from Les Brown right? Let’s hustle on and have the determination and patience until we get the results we want.. πŸ™‚

  2. As an atheist this was a great motivation and inspiration.You made an example of something that really exist and nowhere you mentioned “god” or any fairytale stories pure nature that we see everyday.Thanks for sharing

  3. Thank you for your lessons. I believe it will be very useful to inspire non-profits to persevere. May I have your permission to share it with our grantees?

  4. My goal in life is to speak English fluently, since i was a little kid. Now i am 32 years old, and i am not satisfied yet with my current level in speaking English.

    1. Hey Jovany, you know what, English isn’t my first language too. And I have had hard times speaking and writing English, but I keep doing it even until today, I’m still doing it. Write, read, and speak more often, and you will get better at it. πŸ™‚

  5. This is a wonderful piece of very important lessons from the bamboo story.
    I also learnt that what is visible as result of years of investing effort and time, may hide the level of investment, which is what people focus on most of the time. It’s like the tip of the iceberg or theatre backstage analogy-people rarely see the part that is underwater or in case of theatre, what is backstage, making it hard to estimate the work that went into a production for example.

    1. Hey Dan, that’s so right. Most people only see what’s on stage, but they often don’t see what’s backstage. To perform a good show, backstage work is important. The same goes with the success we want to achieve in life, it is what you do every day that counts. People will only see the results, but they will never notice your grind. πŸ™‚

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