Goals and Planning

Here Are The 10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions for Year 2020

2019 has come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that things have stopped there. Instead, a new year has just begun. Are you going to make 2020 the same as 2019 or more exciting and rewarding?

At the beginning of every year, we feel a sense of inspiration that the new year is going to be something good. We have high hope for what’s coming.

And this is why most people start the new year with resolutions – goals that they want to achieve within the year.

So, what kind of New Year’s resolutions should you make? What do you want to achieve in 2020?

If you want to get some ideas of good New Year’s resolutions, check out my previous article below:

Top 20 New Year Resolution Ideas You Should Consider

Well, to find out what are the most popular resolutions that people make, I have gone through some research, statistics, and articles from websites such as…

Hence, I’m here to announce the top 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions that people make:

1. Lose Weight and Get in Shape

Yes, you guessed it, most people want to lose weight and get back in shape. We all know that being healthy and keeping our body in good shape is one of the most important goals in life. Without having good health, there is no way we can truly enjoy our lives and to achieve more.

Thus, losing weight and getting back in shape has become the top resolution most people have.

Here are 13 ways how you can get back in shape from MindBodyGreen.com. If you truly want to lose the extra fat on your body, there are 2 things you must do:

First, watch what you put into your mouth. And second, start exercising on a regular basis.

We all know the secret to lose weight, but the difficult part is in sticking to it. Hence, your biggest challenge to achieving this resolution in 2020 is consistency.

2. Save More and Spend Less

This is another popular resolution people make. They want to spend less and save more. Let’s be honest, we all want to save more money. We know the importance of savings. But it is difficult to resist the temptation to buy especially when there’s a huge discount.

So, how can we save more and spend less in this new year? Here’s a good book you should read, Secrets of The Millionaire Mind.

Get Secrets of The Millionaire Mind from Amazon

It is the book that I strongly recommend anyone who wants to learn how to manage their money well to read.

I have read the book countless times. And every time I read it, it gives me inspiration and new ideas about how I think about money.

You want to save more and spend less in 2020? Read this book, develop the millionaire mindset, and use the money jar system to help you achieve this resolution.

3. Eat Healthier

Yes, there is no better time than January 1st to commit to eating healthier. After going through parties after parties and the holiday season, most people take in too much unnecessary and junk food. And the new year has become a great season to eat healthier.

Now, I know it is difficult to push away your favorite chocolate waffle, eating healthy doesn’t need to be boring like eating broccoli for every meal.

Here’s a good article you should read from Self.com:

How to Eat Healthily: 25 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier Every Day

4. Get Organized

It is normal that we continually accumulate more and more things, organizing our spaces, both workspace, and home has become an important task. We don’t want to live in clutter and organizing is crucial because the environment we’re in can greatly affect our mood.

Decluttering and organizing your spaces don’t need to be difficult or mundane. In fact, you just need to spend a few minutes to organize your spaces every day.

For instance, spend 5 or 10 minutes to clear up your table in your office before you leave so that the next day you can arrive in an organized and ready-to-work station. This will boost your level of productivity.

Besides organizing your physical spaces, you must also learn to organize your life. Check out this interesting article from LifeHack.org:

How to Organize Your Life: 10 Habits of Really Organized People

5. Read More

Do you want to make it a habit to read more in 2020? Of course, the answer is a big yes. We know that reading is important to our success in life. And we all love to read more.

10 Ways How Reading Can Change Your Life

The problem is that we always make excuses like we don’t have the time and we often procrastinate on it.

If you want to read more, you must first start with a book that you love to read. Check out my personal recommendation for books that have inspired me here.

Next, read this article and learn how to get the most out of what you read:

10 Tips How to Get the Most Out of Reading a Book

6. Learn Something New, Like a Skill or Hobby

Do you want to learn something new in 2020? Do you want to learn how to code, how to swim, how to speak a new language, how to cook or how to bake?

According to the research I have done, there is a high percentage of people who like to make “Learn something new” as their New Year resolution. Regardless of whether it is a new skill or a hobby they like to pick up, learning is a great habit we should develop.

So, what skills should you learn and how do you learn them? Check out these 2 articles below…

  1. The Top 10 Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself
  2. Top 10 Strategies for Learning New Skills

7. Quit Smoking

Quit smoking is a great resolution to have, but according to the American Cancer Society, only 7% of smokers managed to quit this bad habit.

If you are a smoker, you need to make this your 2020’s resolution. Smoking only brings you damages, both to you and the people around you.

I’m glad that I don’t smoke. When I was young, I did have the urge to smoke, but luckily I didn’t pick up this bad habit. If you do smoke and you really want to get rid of it in 2020, read this article from HelpGuide.com.

8. Spend More Time with Friends and Family

We all wish to spend more time with people who we care about. And we can do so in this new year. From this article on Inc.com, as much as 13% out of 2,000 people surveyed make their resolution to spend more time with friends and family.

Nobody wants to go through life alone. And you definitely don’t want to wait until when it is too late only to regret caring for those who you loved.

Therefore, you should make it a commitment to spend more time with the people you loved. Here are 30 ways how you can spend more time with your family.

9. Drink Less Alcohol

A little bit of alcohol can be fun, but too much of it can harm you. I’m not against drinking, but I’m against irresponsible drinking.

When you’re having parties like celebrating the new year, having a glass of wine or a can of beer can be fun. The thing is that most people drink irresponsibly. They overdrink and harm their own health. Not to mention the danger they bring when they drink and drive.

If you are a drinker who drinks every day, maybe you should consider making it your New Year’s resolution to drink less.

And if you need help with this, check out this article and discover the 11 simple ways how you can curb your drinking habit.

10. Get Another Job

Another popular New Year’s resolution is to switch jobs. This resolution is there for a reason. When you dislike your job or your boss, you may consider changing to a new environment in 2020.

But getting a new job can be challenging and exciting at the same time. You feel excited about the uncertainties and the new environment. And at the same time, you can feel fearful of the unknown.

So, should you get another job? Before you do, check out these 10 signs from TheBalanceCareers.com to see if you need a new job.

And if all the signs show that you need to get a new job and you have decided to do so this new year, then you can start your search. This article from Monster.com does provide some useful insight and info about what you need to know when looking for a new job. Read it.

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions A Reality

Now that you understand the top 10 popular resolutions most people have. It is time to create your own resolutions and plan for the new year.

One of the main problems people have in achieving their goals is their ability to stick to them. And I have written an article to help you with this:

10 Great Advice How to Achieve New Year’s Resolutions

Plus, another common issue most people had is they get to easily forget about their goals, targets, and resolutions.

You can write down your resolutions today, but after a few days later, you can quickly forget them due to the hustle-bustle of your daily life.

And this is why we need “reminders” to help us keep our targets in our minds all the time. Use these templates below to help you make your New Year’s resolutions and stick to them all the time:

13 Free New Year Resolution Templates You Shouldn’t Miss

I hope you enjoy this article and find it useful.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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