
7 Steps How to Become Super Successful in the Shortest Time Possible

I know, you want to become super successful in a short time. Nobody wants to spend 20 years only to become successful. People these days want results, and they want it fast. They don’t want to wait. The good news is that becoming wildly successful in a short period is possible. And I’m going to show you how to do it in this article.

We’re living in the information age. And things are changing fast. It is not unusual to see stories where people are becoming millionaires within a short couple of months and at a younger age.

Have you heard about Ryan ToysReview? A Youtube channel featuring a 7-year-old boy named Ryan who reviews toys for other kids.

In 2018, CBS News reported that Ryan made $11 million from his YouTube Channel. His videos have attracted a huge following of parents and children who watch Ryan test out new toys and shares his thoughts on them.

The point I want to show is that anyone can become wealthy and achieve amazing success in a short time these days.

But you need to follow a proven plan. Without a plan and without knowing what to do, you will never get to where you are.

Yes, success can come to you fast, but you must also be willing to put in the right work to make it all work.

So, here are the 7 steps you can follow to become super successful in the shortest time possible…

1. Start with the right mindset

First thing first, start with the right mindset. And by that, I mean you must first believe that what you want to achieve is possible and that you have the ability to achieve it.

If you don’t believe in your goals and yourself, there is no way you will go all out and make it happen. People fail to achieve what they want because they don’t believe in themselves.

And because of that, they do it in a half-hearted manner. They don’t dare to put in 100% commitment. As a result, they fail.

Not only that, but you must also be willing to try out new things. You see, you can’t get to where you want to go if you choose to stay where you are.

You can only reach higher ground if you are willing to give up on where you are right now. That means you must be willing to try out new things, venture out of your comfort zone, and to challenge yourself to do what is uncomfortable.

Trust me, if you follow these steps and do what is necessary, within a short time, you can become wildly successful. But first, you must change your thoughts and adopt new thinking.

Like a caterpillar, you must give up being a caterpillar, and go through the metamorphosis process, to transform yourself into a beautiful butterfly.

A caterpillar cannot become a butterfly if it doesn’t want to let go of its identity. The same principle applies to you. You must be willing to let go of who you are to become who you want to be.

That said, believe in yourself, believe that the success you want is possible, and be willing to try out new things. Read this article and learn to develop the 13 success mindsets of extraordinary people.

You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide

2. Set a stretch goal

Once you are ready, it is time to start your journey for explosive growth and extreme success. Start with a stretch goal.

Yes, a stretch goal, not an incremental goal. You must identify what you want to achieve and then write it down as a goal. Make sure you follow the SMARTER goal system.

Here’s the thing, your goal needs to be a stretch goal. That means your goal needs to be challenging and a little out of your reach, but not impossible to hit.

For example, if you are earning $1,000 from the internet, you can set a stretch goal of earning $5,000, but not an incremental goal of earning $1,500. Do you get that?

A stretch goal is challenging and out of your reach, but it is not impossible to attain. An incremental goal is easy to reach and very likely to achieve.

If you want to achieve outstanding success in a short period of time, you need to have stretch goals, not incremental goals.

Next, only focus on 1 wildly important goal. Yes, you don’t want to have 2 or 3 or more goals, just one. Why? Because you want to put in 100% of your focus to make it possible. You don’t want to split yourself too thin by focusing on too many goals.

For example, think about Apple. It is a super successful company, but they don’t have a hundred products. They only focus on a few. If you want to buy a MacBook, they only have 2 choices: MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. That’s it.

They understand that in order to do their best, they can’t split their energy across too many products, instead, they need to focus on just a few products.

You have to do the same. It is tempting to set many goals, but when it comes to creating results within a short period of time, you need to focus.

So, pick an objective, turn it into a stretch goal. What results do you want to achieve? Here are some examples…

  • To lose 7kg in 90 days.
  • To create a training course, launch, and make $100,000 in 90 days.
  • To write a great book over 300 pages in 90 days.

Whatever your goal, you must make it challenging and excited for you. Plus, your goal needs to be stretched enough so that it can change your life after just a few short months.

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.

Bill Copeland

3. Make a 90-day plan

The reason I choose 90 days is that it is the best time frame to achieve something amazing. When a goal is too far away, like a year or 2, it becomes unpredictable because many things can happen by then.

Think about it, do you still remember the goals you set 2 years ago? No, you don’t. This is when it comes to creating fast results, you don’t want to set something too far away. You want something short and something you can see results immediately.

At the same time, if your goal is too short, like a month, it will be hard to produce significant results. This is why 90 days is the best. But if you think 90 days is too short, you can go for 6 months.

I recommend you set your time frame to be within 90 days or 6 months. Don’t make the deadline too short nor too long, make it just nice.

Now, you have to create a solid plan to achieve your stretch goal. You can’t leave things up to chances. Many people fail to achieve the success they want because they don’t have a plan.

You need to schedule actionable steps into your calendar and create to-do lists to guide through the 90 days period.

I suggest you read this article below to understand how to break down your goal and turn it into smaller, actionable steps:

How to Turn Your Goals into Actionable Plans

Remember, you start with a stretch goal, and then break it down into several monthly milestones. And from your milestones, you further break them down into actionable steps you need to take each day.

Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.

Larry Winget

4. Create accountability and build commitment

It is not easy to stick to your plan and take action during the 90 days. Trust me, things will happen. There will always be something that happens along the way that prevents you from taking action.

Sometimes it is your spouse that wants you to do something else, sometimes it is your friends who ask you out and you don’t have the time to act on your goal, and sometimes it is because you’re too tired to stick to your plan.

This is why you need to create the accountability and build the commitment to follow through.

First, to create accountability, what you need is to get a partner to monitor your progress. It can be anyone who is close to you. But make sure you choose a partner who is encouraging and who supports you.

Don’t choose someone who is negative as a partner. You don’t want your accountability partner to drag you down instead of pushing forward.

Thus, get an accountability partner, and commit to your partner that you will send him or her a progress report each week. It can be Monday or Friday, but choose a specific date and time, and then commit to sending your partner your progress report.

According to a research done by Dr. Gail Matthews from Dominican University, people who formulate action commitments (having an actionable plan) and send a weekly progress report to a supportive friend, tend to increase their chances of achieving their goals as much as 76%.

This is why you want to get an accountability partner. When nobody is watching you, you know you can slack off and procrastinate.

But when you know you need to send a progress report to someone, you have no choice but to take action and work on your goal.

At the end of the day, we are accountable to ourselves. Our success is a result of what we do.

Catherine Pulsifer

5. Follow the 90-90-1 Rule

I want to introduce you to a very powerful rule that I learned from Robin Sharma, a world-class success coach and best-selling author of several books, including The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The 5 AM Club.

This is how the rule works as according to Robin Sharma:

For the next 90 days, the first 90 minutes of your workday, focus monomaniacally on your single most valuable project. I call it your game-changing move. It might be creating a new piece of code that will revolutionize the marketplace. It might be a new product that, when you launch it, will fill a need within your industry that no peer is currently providing. I don’t know what your game-changing move is, but this is your poetry. This is your magnum opus for the next 90 days.

I have written a complete guide on the 90-90-1 Rule, you can check out the full article here.

The key is to focus on working on your stretch goal for at least 90 minutes for the next 90 days. Plus, you want to make sure you spend the first 90 minutes each morning to work on this project.

You see, we are living in a distracting world. There are just so many things to do, to listen, to read, and to watch. If you don’t set a limit as to when to work on your #1 goal, you will be distracted and fail to work on it.

This is why this rule is so powerful. It makes sure you spend time every day, for 3 months, to work on your goal.

This will make sure you do the work and deliver the results. Don’t take this rule lightly. If you are serious about becoming super successful in a short time, this is the rule you MUST follow.

Commit to this rule. Make it your #1 priority. No matter what you do, every day, make sure you invest time and put in the effort to work on the goal you have set.

  • If your goal is to write a book, spend at least 90 minutes every day writing the book.
  • If your goal is to build a successful blog, invest at least 90 minutes each day to grow your blog, write quality articles, promote and market it.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, spend at least 90 minutes every day to exercise and work on your diet plan.

A word of caution, it is not going to be easy to go stick to your plan for 90 days. There will be days when you don’t have the motivation and you just want to do nothing.

However, press on. Push yourself and just do it. You have to challenge yourself to grow stronger and to become someone worthy of the success you desire.

All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

Robin Sharma

6. Review, adjust, and improve

Now, if you follow through all the 5 steps above, by now, you should be in the progressing phase where you are working on your stretch goal every day.

However, as I mentioned above, things are not going to be smooth. In fact, things will go wrong. That’s just the way it is. If it is easy, everybody will be successful.

And because it is hard and uncomfortable, most ordinary people are not willing to put in the little “extra” to become extraordinary.

At the end of every week, you must spend time reviewing your progress and results. You have to answer these 3 questions:

  1. What did I do wrong that deviated me from my plan?
  2. What did I do right that got me the success results I desire?
  3. What can I improve and do next week?

Never underestimate the power of these 3 questions above. They contain the wisdom for growth and improvement.

Because you are going to achieve super success within 90 days, you can’t afford to repeat your mistakes and fail to create the results you desire.

This is why you must review your progress at the end of each week by asking yourself what went wrong.

And then you need to find out what you did right that got you the success you want. And finally, you must adjust your plan to improve your results the following week.

You want to review, adjust, and improve because success isn’t going to be a straight line as you think:

In reality, success is messy, and it is never a straight path. Therefore, to get to your destination, you must always prepare yourself for what’s coming.

Furthermore, you will never know what is coming and what is going to happen in the future. All you can do is to pivot and gain a better experience from what you have done.

Learn how to review your goals here.

Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.

Tony Robbins

7. Celebrate

The 90-day journey will be difficult. The process of success isn’t easy. But still, you need to celebrate because you stick to your plan and do it anyway.

A lot of people get it wrong by thinking that they should feel happy and only to celebrate when they achieved the results or success they want.

Wrong, you should celebrate and feel good about your progress right now. You have to change your mindset so that you will stick to your plan and continue to push forward.

Instead of thinking that you should achieve first before you can be happy, you need to think of “happily achieve”.

Achieve –> feel happy
Feel happy –> achieve more

You have to use the Reverse Gap Thinking if you want to encourage yourself to keep on achieving.

As I wrote in my article here, explaining about the Reverse Gap Thinking, that you have to stop pegging your happiness and success on your goals. You need to stop telling yourself:

  • I’m going to celebrate when I hit my goal.
  • I’m going to throw up a party when I achieve my target.
  • I’ll be successful when this or that happens.

Instead, you have to focus on the ‘reverse’ and feel grateful for what you have, and then you will happily achieve.

Choose to think about how far you have come and how much you have progressed and feel grateful for it. When you are happy and fulfilled, you are able to accomplish more.

You don’t have to wait until you succeeded only to celebrate. Instead, celebrate what you have done today so that you will make even more progress toward the success you want.

Thus, celebrate your progress, not your result. Feel good that you have taken the action steps and work on your goal each day. Even if they are just baby steps, you should celebrate that you are moving forward.

The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Oprah Winfrey


If you want to become super successful in the shortest time possible, you can do it. But you must be willing to focus and commit to the sprint. And if you follow the 7 steps above, within 90 days, you will accomplish more than you think possible.

So, what kind of success are you looking for? And are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it?

Let me know your opinion on this article. Leave your comment below.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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