
5 Ways How Happiness Will Affect Your Success

Here’s a commonly held wrong belief that we all have, we think, “If I can get a great job, or get promoted, or win the lottery, or lose the additional fat, or reach the goal, or (fill in the blank), then I will be happy.”

According to Shawn Achor, the advocate of positive psychology and the bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage, he discovered through his extensive research that success does not bring happiness. It is another way round – happiness will bring more success.

When you are positive and happy, your brain becomes more engaged, motivated, creative, resilient, energetic, and more productive at work.

Your happiness will directly affect your level of success. In short, the happier you are each day, the more successful you will become.

One simple way to understand this is happiness will affect your level of motivation. When you are happy, you tend to be more motivated. And when you are motivated, you tend to get more done.

By the way, when you’re feeling negative and have no motivation to work on your academic papers, just use a platform such as to get your work done.

The key is this – you do not want to postpone your happiness. You want to feel happy right now so that you can accomplish more and perform better at work and in life.

Here are 5 ways how happiness will affect your success…

1. Happiness is the key to achieving your goals

When you are happy, you will have stronger emotional well-being, which helps you identify your goals and achieve them.

There was a study that discovered that teenagers who were more content and happier than their peers were more likely to find better jobs and achieve financial security.

Think about it, when you are happy, you tend to spend more time thinking about how great your future will turn out. This will lead you to dream bigger and aim higher, which helps you pursue your goals in life.

On the contrary, when you are stressed and negative, you tend to focus on the problems rather than on the possibilities.

This is why happiness is the key to achieving your goals. If you are negative, you will doubt your ability and focus on the reasons why you will fail.

2. Happiness brings more success in the workplace

That’s right, happiness will make you more successful with your work and career.

When you are in a good mood, you tend to be more receptive to challenges. When you face difficulty at work, rather than looking at it as a problem and a roadblock that stops you, you will perceive it as a challenge that helps you grow.

Besides, people love to be around a happy person. This is common sense. Just ask yourself, do you prefer to work together with someone negative and pessimistic? Or do you prefer to work with someone happy and positive? The answer is obvious.

People love to be around positive people because happiness is contagious. Nobody likes to be around someone negative, who always blames and complains, isn’t it?

Research from Gallup also discovered that retail employees in an individual store who have a higher life satisfaction score (happier employees) generated $21 more in earnings per square foot than employees with lower scores.

3. Happiness improves your performance

In my article, The #1 Benefit Of Positive Thinking According To Research, I talked about how your emotions can affect your brain chemistry and thus, influence the way you think and make decisions.

Imagine when you are taking a walk by the river and you see a crocodile emerging from the riverbank, and it is moving towards you. How will you feel and what will you do?

You will enter the fight or flight mode. Your brain senses danger and you want to get away from the situation as soon as possible. This is what happens when a negative emotion kicks in. You want to get away from the negativity.

And this is how a negative emotion will stop you from venturing out of your comfort zone to try new things. When you are feeling negative, it freezes you from taking action.

However, things will be different when you are positive and happy. When you are happy, problems will not stop you. Instead, you will challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and do something creative to solve the situation.

And this is how happiness will improve your personal performance. Regardless of whether it is at work or in life, when you are happy, you will become more resilient in solving problems and bouncing back from failures.

Read: Why Positive Thinking is Important?

4. Happiness attracts more opportunities

When you are positive and happy, you are open to learning. You are more willing to try new things when you are feeling good.

Imagine a child happily playing with his friends outside the house. He is experiencing all sorts of positive emotions like joy, fulfillment, and excitement.

And when the child is positive, he develops his physical skills through moving athletically, he improves his social skills by communicating with his friends and acquires creative skills through exploring and having the most fun around his friends.

Now, imagine what will happen if the child experiences negative emotions? You know the answer.

Therefore, the more frequently you experience happiness emotion, the more likely you are going to attract opportunities into your life.

Read: How To Stay Positive No Matter What Happens In Life

5. Happiness is contagious and will affect everyone around you

People around you can feel it when you are happy. As I said above, we tend to prefer to be around contented and happy people because they make us feel happy and contented too.

Do you know that simply smiling more often at your workplace will improve both your and your colleagues’ moods and emotions? You don’t have to fake it or go overboard, just be genuine and your positive energy will affect those around you.

A simple act of kindness like holding the lift door for a stranger or greeting your neighbors will elevate your mood as well.

If you want to learn more about becoming positive and how to become happy so that you will attract more success, read this guide: 21 Small Steps How To Be A More Positive Person In Life

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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