
The 7 Beliefs of Successful People that Make Them Remarkable

Successful people are different. They don’t do what most people do. They don’t act like most people did. They don’t think like how ordinary people think. And obviously, they have a different set of beliefs that shape their lives.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the 7 beliefs successful people adopted that make them remarkable.

If you want to achieve outstanding results, accomplish amazing success, and unleash your greatness, you must learn to adopt these beliefs too.

Why? Because your beliefs will dictate how you think.

And the way you think will determine how you make decisions and act. And your actions will determine what you get in life.

If you want to make a change, start by changing your mindset. Change the way you think, and most importantly, change your belief system.

When your beliefs changed, your life will change.

So, develop these 7 beliefs of successful people and you will change your life.

1. I create my own future.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

– Peter Drucker

Yes, successful people believe that they create their own future. They believe that their future is in their hands.

They don’t really believe in fate. Instead, they choose to believe in themselves.

They understand that things don’t just happen automatically. If they want something, they will do something to achieve it.

The more you read the success stories of amazing people, the more you will realize that this is true.

In fact, a lot of successful people started with absolutely nothing, but because they know that they are the ones who will determine their future, they went on to create the life that most people can only dream about.

Look at Steve Jobs, he was a college dropout who has to sleep on the floor in his friends’ dormitories.

Not only that, when he didn’t have enough money to buy food, he went to Hare Krishna Temple for food.

Despite all the difficulties and challenges that Jobs faced in life, he managed to turn everything around.

He went on to start Apple Computer with a bunch of his friends, did the uncommon things that common people would never do, which eventually led him to his meteoric success.

Again, my point is that successful people believe that they are the ones who created their own future.

It doesn’t matter where you are right now in life, you need to have a vision for what you want.

You must start with a vision for the future that you want to create, and then work tirelessly towards it. That’s how success is created.

Learn to build your vision, set it as a goal, and achieve the success you want through Goal Setting Formula.

2. There is no such thing as a failure.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

– Henry Ford

Really, when you think about it, there is no such thing as a failure.

It is either you succeed, or you learn. Do you know what failure really means? It means your refusal to get back up and try again.

We can and will face many defeats in our journey, but we must not be defeated.

You can fall down 8th time, but choose to wake up and do it again for the 9th time.

The moment you refuse to get up again it the moment you are defeated. This is what failure truly means.

Hence, there is no such thing as a failure. As long as you learn something from it, you don’t really fail. In fact, you become wiser, stronger, and better.

When Thomas Edison was trying to invent the lightbulb, he failed over 10,000 times. When people asked him about it, he said he didn’t fail, he only discovered 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Of course, when you do something and things don’t seem to be working out, you will FEEL like a failure.

But don’t let that feeling get to you.

Success doesn’t come easy. If it is easy, everyone will have done it.

Therefore, develop this success belief and turn your failure into lessons.

3. It’s going to be hard, but hard doesn’t mean impossible.

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

– Jim Rohn

Successful people believe that things are hard, but that doesn’t mean they are impossible to achieve.

In fact, successful people feel excited when things are difficult. They love the challenge because they know that if they can do it, they will succeed and outdo the rest.

In one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s inspirational speech, he said:

“How many times have you heard that you can’t do this and you can’t do that and it’s never been done before? I love it when someone says that no one has ever done this before, because then when I do it that means that I’m the first one that has done it. So pay no attention to the people that say it can’t be done. I never listen to, ‘You can’t.’  I always listen to myself and say, ‘Yes, you can.’”

Highly successful people believe that everything is possible. It may be difficult, but it doesn’t mean impossible.

And they love challenges. If things are easy to do, they prefer not to do it because that’s what everyone else will do.

Thus, always remember this – successful people do what most people are not willing to do. And that’s why they are successful.

4. Work is play.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

– Steve Jobs

Do you know that most successful people don’t look at work as just work? They are passionate about their work, and to them, their work is their play.

Once, an interviewee asked Steve Jobs about his secret to success. Without hesitation, Jobs said it was passion.

Jobs went on to say that without passion, most ordinary people will give up. Because success is difficult and challenging, hence, if you don’t have the passion for what you do, you will give up the moment you face obstacles.

And those who choose to persist on and those who are passionate about what they do that they’d do it even they know they are going to fail, or it is without pay.

Do you get it?

You have to have passion for what you do. If you don’t like your work, how do you expect you’re going to deliver a great job, right?

Most people look at their job as something they hate to do or have to do because they want to get paid.

If you act this way, you will never do things with your full commitment and will do it for the sake of doing it.

However, when you’re passionate, you will do it with your full heart. You will have so much fun that you don’t care if others say otherwise and you just want to deliver the best work.

So, change your thinking. Develop a passion for what you do. Learn to love your work.

5. Opportunities go to those who hustle.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

– Thomas Edison

Successful people believe that opportunities go those who are willing to work hard and hustle, not those who sit around and do nothing.

This is why people who accomplished extraordinary success in life are always on the move. They take more actions than most people did in their lifetime. They are hard workers.

Legends like Kobe Bryant woke up as early as 4 AM to hit the gym. Bryant started his training session way earlier than most basketball players because that gave him an edge.

Byron Scott, a former Lakers player and the head coach, said he once found Bryant shooting in a dark gym for 2 hours before the practice begins.

This was how Kobe Bryant went on to be one of the best and most respected players in NBA history.

Do you want to be great and achieve outstanding success in your industry? Then you must believe in hard work.

You must be willing to work harder than most people because if you do what most people are doing, you will be getting the same result as everyone else.

If you want something more, you have got to work harder than most people did.

6. Take calculated risks.

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.”

– John A. Shedd

Do you know that successful people don’t just take any risk, but calculated risk?

If you want to achieve success, no matter it is in business or in life, you need to take some kind of risk.

You must be willing to venture out of your comfort zone in order to grow and to achieve something extraordinary.

But that doesn’t mean doing things recklessly and jump into the water without knowing how deep it is.

Extraordinary people understand that if they want to accomplish something amazing, they need to take risks. But they don’t do it blindly.

They practice. They prepared themselves for it. They take calculated risks. They go into a battle knowing that they have a chance of winning.

When young Les Brown wanted to become a DJ, he got advice from his teacher asking him to practice being a DJ every day. His teacher told him:

“It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.”

And so, Brown worked hard every day to prepare himself to become a DJ. He even went to a local studio and asked for a job but was hired to do odd jobs like buying lunches instead.

But Brown knew he was getting closed. Until one fateful day when a DJ showed up drunk and Brown was given the opportunity to become a DJ.

That’s what will happen when you are always prepared.

You must understand taking blind risks and calculated risks are different.

Develop and improve yourself, and always make sure you are ready when the opportunity arrives. That’s what successful people believe in and are waiting for.

7. Everything happens for a reason.

“Everything happens for a reason, for experience or a lesson. Nothing is ever wasted because the soul is always gaining insight.”

– Leon Brown

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

That’s what successful people believed in, and that’s what makes them successful.

Great people believe that everything happens for a reason, and for whatever reason, that leads them to take full responsibility for their lives.

They believe they are the ones who created their results.

As a matter of fact, they don’t play the blame game. They don’t make excuses. And they focus on solutions and results rather than on problems and obstacles.

Plus, because they believe that everything happens for a reason, they don’t doubt themselves and when they fall, they take it as a lesson to improve.

When Steve Jobs dropped out of college, he dropped into classes that sparked his interest – calligraphy.

At that time, Reed College offered the best calligraphy course in the country and Jobs got to learn about serif and sans serif typefaces, but with no practical application.

However, a decade later, when Jobs designed the first Macintosh computer in Apple, it all went back to him. Apple then created the first computer with beautiful typography.

Everything happens for a reason.

You must believe this so that you can gain better insights and master yourself and your life.


It’s not easy to be successful. You must do what successful people do to replicate the same amazing results.

And that means adopting their belief system and believe in what they believe.

Here’s the list of 7 beliefs of the highly successful people…

  1. I create my own future.
  2. There is no such thing as a failure.
  3. It’s going to be hard, but hard doesn’t mean impossible.
  4. Work is play.
  5. Opportunities go to those who hustle.
  6. Take calculated risks.
  7. Everything happens for a reason.
Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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