
The 5 Signs Your Life is on the Right Track

Success doesn’t happen overnight. It happens over time. Success is going to take a lot of hard work. You will have to go through a lot of setbacks and challenges on your journey.

So, how can you tell if you are on the right track? How can you know if what you’re doing right now is going to get you the success you want in the future?

Well, in this article, we’re going to talk about the 5 positive signs that you’re going to become successful in the future…

1. You’re motivated by what you do

Here’s the first sign… you feel motivated, energized, and excited about what you’re doing.

Just ask yourself, do you wake up every morning feeling excited, and you can’t wait to get out of your bed? Or do you wake up feeling tired, and lethargic, and you refuse to wake up? Do you prefer to sleep more than wake up for what’s coming?

You see, when you are on the right track, you will have goals and passions you’re feeling excited to pursue in life.

This is because those are your deepest desires, and they are your inner wants. And if you wake up each morning feeling excited, and looking forward to pursuing your goals or projects, congratulations, you are on the right path.

Read: 5 Powerful Methods How to Boost Your Desire for Success

If you hate your job, you will never look forward to it. You’re reluctant to go to the office. When you reach the office in the morning, you will look forward to the lunch hour. And after your lunch, you will look forward to leaving the office by 5 or 6 PM.

So, if you don’t feel motivated or excited about your job or the work you’re doing, it is a clear sign that something needs to change.

Take the advice from Seth Godin…

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

Hence, do you wake up each morning with motivation and excitement? Or do you wake up feeling tired, and lethargic, and you just want to continue to sleep on your bed?

2. You care less about what people think

And next, the second sign that shows you are progressing on the right track in life is you care less about what other people think.

Now, if you have a crystal-clear purpose, you know exactly what you want out of life, and you’re committed to achieving it, you’ll feel less of a desire to seek the approval of other people.

You don’t need confirmation as to whether what you’re doing is acceptable or right because you know exactly what it is that you want.

You keep doing what you’re doing. You keep in mind what you want and not what other people expect from you.

That’s not to say that you’re not taking in any advice or feedback, it is just that you don’t easily let other people’s opinions affect your decisions.

And that will boost your self-confidence and self-trust. And that’s why when you care less about what other people think about you, you’re more likely to succeed in life.

Read: Why Clarity of Purpose is Important to Success and How to Get It

If you study extraordinary people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, etc., you’ll notice they don’t care much about how others look or think about them.

Steve Jobs dropped out of college after completing just one semester because he believed college was a waste of money. He didn’t care how others thought or looked at him.

The same happened to Walt Disney. Disney was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough. But he didn’t care what others thought about him. He continued to draw and pioneer animated cartoon films until he discovered Mickey Mouse.

As you can see, if you want to succeed and create extraordinary results in life, you must go against the norm. And to do so, you need to develop the characters to care less about what or how others think about you.

3. You’re constantly learning and improving

And the third sign that shows you’re on track in life is you’re constantly learning and improving in a certain area. It doesn’t matter what goal or project you’re trying to pursue; you find it fun and exciting to keep learning and improving about it.

For instance, if you start a YouTube channel as a side hustle, and you discover that you love to talk and learn about creating videos, editing them, or making your videos engaging and fun for your audience, then it is a positive sign that you’re going to make it.

Here’s another example. Maybe you love baking. You bake whenever you are free almost every weekend. And you found that you love to learn how to bake something new, or how to make the cakes or cookies taste great. You are constantly improving your recipe. And if you continue with this attitude and mentality, you will become a great baker in your niche.

As you can see, when you love to learn about a certain subject and are constantly improving yourself to do better, there is a high chance that you will become better than most people. And that will make you successful in what you do.

Read: How to Learn Faster and Shortcut Your Learning Curve to Success

So, ask yourself, which topic or subject do you love to read and learn about? If you go to a bookstore, which section of the bookstore do you visit first? And how do spend most of your free time?

Every master was once a beginner. And that makes learning a great tell-tale sign of success.

If you want to become a successful real estate investor, and you love to read and learn about it, then guess what, as long as you continue to do so and take consistent action, you will eventually become a successful real estate investor.

The same goes for every other area in your life. If you want to become a writer and you love to learn about writing and creating engaging content, then highly likely, you will become successful as a writer or content creator in the future.

4. You don’t mind failing

The fourth sign that shows you are progressing on the right track in life is you don’t mind failing. Instead of looking at setbacks and failures as roadblocks, you look at them as challenges, and you’re having fun overcoming them.

When you want to start a business or a project, you don’t care if you are going to make it. You just want to do it. And that, my friend, is a great sign that you are going to make it in the future.

This is because if you constantly focus on the failures or why things are not going to work out, guess what, you will be paralyzed by the fears. You will never move forward or make any progress. You are going to be stopped by the fear of failure.

Read: 3 Fundamental Principles How to Turn Failure Into Success

So, don’t let that happen to you. No matter what you want to pursue, never look at failure as something that stops you. Instead, reframe your thoughts. Look at failure as feedback. Whenever you fail to produce the result you want, stop and think about how you can improve to do better in the future.

I like this saying from Tony Robbins…

“Success is the result of good judgment, which is the result of experience, experience is often the result of bad judgment.”

Hence, don’t be afraid to fail. When you don’t mind failing, you know you are on the right track to creating something extraordinary.

Most people are not living their dreams because they are living in their fears. Hence, you must learn to overcome fear and uncertainty in life. If you want to master your fear and turn it into fuel for your success, I strongly recommend you attend this web class from John Assaraf, the world’s leading mindset and behavior expert…

>> Go here to register for Winning The Game of Fear free web class

5. You focus on helping and serving

And finally, the fifth sign that shows you’re on the right track in life is this… You focus on helping and serving others.

You see, when other people become your priority, you will build a great business because you are creating value for others. Rather than thinking about what’s in it for me, you focus on how you can better help and serve others.

Just like Zig Ziglar once said…

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

The truth is we cannot live alone by ourselves. We need others. If you want to build a successful blog, you need to prioritize your target audience. If you want to grow an online business, you need to build a group of loyal customers.

The success you want will come to you when you help and serve enough people in your industry.

In his best-selling book, Give And Take, author Adam Grant studied people who give and people who take (givers VS takers), he discovered that being a giver is the best way to succeed in business and life.

This book is an interesting read. Get it from Amazon now.

Therefore, you know your life is on track and is progressing in the right direction when you are someone who constantly giving, creating value, helping, and serving others.


There you have it. These are the 5 signs showing that you will be right on track in life.

So, do you show any of these signs in your life right now? If you do, great. But if you don’t, don’t sweat about it. Make adjustments accordingly and start creating the life you desire.

Leave your comment below and let me know if you find these 5 signs to be useful.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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