
Prepare for the ARE Exam with Confidence: Strategies for Success

Are you an architect seeking a professional license? Taking the Architecture Registration Exam (ARE), designed by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), is part of that journey.

With five divisions: Practice Management, Project Management, Program and Project Development + Documentation, Site Planning + Design, and Construction Evaluation—the ARE can be daunting. But with the right preparation strategies and confidence in your knowledge and experience, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed.

This blog post explores practical tips for passing the exam on your first try.

1. Utilize Appropriate Study Resources

The first step in effective ARE preparation is identifying and utilizing the right study resources. Numerous reference books, study guides, and online courses are available; however, choosing those that align with the exam’s specific content and structure is essential.

You can learn from’s text resources that provide interactive videos, live weekly study sessions, and FREE text resources to help you get started. These materials offer a comprehensive understanding of the exam domains and valuable insights into the type of questions you may encounter.

Additionally, it is essential to supplement your primary study resources with other forms of learning. Participating in study groups or online forums can provide a platform for discussions, shared resources, and mutual motivation.

Similarly, incorporating practice exams into your preparation routine can be invaluable, offering you a realistic understanding of the exam format and timing and an opportunity to apply your knowledge in a simulated test environment.

2. Incorporate Sample Tests Into Your Plan

Sample tests play a crucial role in your ARE preparation journey. They give you the chance to test your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and familiarize yourself with the exam format.

This allows you to gauge your readiness and helps alleviate any test anxiety you might have. By taking sample tests, you can identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing targeted study to improve in areas you may be lacking.

Timing is a critical factor during examinations. Sample tests allow you to practice under timed conditions, simulating the experience of the actual exam. This can help you manage your time effectively during the real examination.

Regularly incorporating sample tests into your study plan can also build endurance and confidence, proving an effective strategy for success in your ARE examination.

3. Engage in Reflection and Self-Evaluation

As you strive to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ARE examination material, taking time for self-reflection is essential. This can be done through self-evaluations or meaningful conversations with experienced architects. Both approaches help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing for targeted study and improving performance.

Self-reflection also allows you to comprehend better the material you have studied and its relevance to real-world architecture. This understanding will prove invaluable when faced with challenging questions where you must creatively apply your knowledge. Combine this with regular practice exams and sample tests for an effective ARE preparation journey that sets you up for success.

4. Create a Realistic Study Schedule

Creating a realistic study schedule is essential to achieving success in the ARE exam. Begin by understanding the subjects covered in the exam and the amount of time you can allot for studying each day or week.

Allocate more time to complex topics or areas where you need more confidence. Try to mix up your study schedule, alternating between different subjects to avoid fatigue and maintain interest.

Keeping your study schedule flexible is equally important. Life’s unpredictability may necessitate adjustments in your plans. If you miss a study session, don’t panic. Instead, reschedule it for another day.

Consistency is key here; sticking to your study plan as closely as possible will gradually build your knowledge and confidence. Regular breaks are also essential to prevent burnout and maintain mental freshness. Remember, the goal is to optimize learning, and a well-structured, realistic study schedule can significantly contribute to that.

5. UnderstandThe Exam Format

Taking the time to understand the exam format gives you a better understanding of the expectations. This includes familiarizing yourself with question types, required tools, and calculation methods. It is also important to gain an understanding of how questions are worded. This can save precious time during your examination, eliminating confusion or the need for re-reading.

Familiarizing yourself with the exam format and question structure allows you to practice and perfect your test-taking skills. This includes developing effective strategies for tackling multiple-choice questions and understanding how to approach complex problems or calculations requiring more time. With time and practice, these critical skills can help you gain a better score on the actual examination.

6. Believe in Your Abilities

Believing in your abilities and knowledge is the most crucial factor for success on the ARE exam. Remind yourself of the skillsets you have developed over the years and how those can be applied to tackle the toughest questions on the exam. Whenever doubts arise, look back at your previous successes, both professional and academic, to boost your confidence and remind yourself of your potential.

The actual exam day may bring on a range of emotions, including anxiety or nervousness. Reframe these feelings by viewing them as opportunities to showcase your skills and knowledge.

Being confident in your ability and understanding of the material can help you excel on the ARE exam. With a sound approach and effective strategies, success is within reach. With hard work and dedication, you can confidently prepare for the ARE Exam and reach your goal.

7. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Your Achievements

Setting realistic goals broken down into smaller milestones can help you stay focused and motivated during your preparation journey. Set tangible goals that are measurable and achievable rather than lofty aspirations. Achieving small milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment, propelling you forward on the path to success.

Although your ultimate goal may be to pass the ARE exam, remember to celebrate your smaller successes. Take a break after completing a difficult topic or mastering a challenging concept. Celebrating small victories helps you stay motivated and focused on the next step of your preparation journey.


Ultimately, success in any endeavor is determined by the amount of hard work you put into it. With the right preparation and practical strategies, you will be set up for success in the ARE exam. Believe in yourself and your abilities, set realistic goals and create a study plan that suits your needs. Remember to celebrate your successes along the way as you work towards achieving your goal.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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