Work and Career

4 Things Managers Should Know About Employee Recognition

There’s a quote from the TV show Futurama that really makes you think, and it is this… “When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

This means that most people are very quick to point out when you do something wrong or when something is not working, but they often brush off everything working as intended as something that needs no praise.

Think about it in your own life. How many times do you take something for granted just because it works, but then only pay attention to it once it stops working? Well, that happens in big companies and with people too. 

In the workplace you might get called in by your boss whenever something goes wrong or needs to be fixed, but have you ever been told that you are doing a good job?

Well, there’s a lesson that people at the top can learn and that is called Employee Recognition, and it is one of the most important skills in the workplace. Because at the end of the day we are all human.

What Exactly is Employee Recognition?

Employee Recognition is just another word for positive feedback, and for letting people know that they are doing a good job. 

For example, if you notice that Mike is always bringing in coffee for everyone, or Linda has really been keeping up with the company emails and keeping the inboxes clean, thank them. Show some gratitude and let your employees know that their work is valuable to the company.

Now that you have seen employee recognition explained, it seems easy, but most people don’t do it! Managers especially because they only notice when things are going wrong. If you are a manager or want to show your manager this article, then read on for some things you should know about employee recognition. 

Social Recognition Gives A Massive Return On Investment… For Very Little Investment.

What does it feel like whenever you get a compliment? It feels pretty good right, and it almost makes you want to work harder and keep proving that you are worthy of the compliment. Well, if you recognize your workers for what they do, they will feel better about what they do and know that it is being recognized.

Then they will keep doing the action because it is recognized and appreciated. One word of encouragement can foster positive behavior, and it is much better than people being bitter because they have been going above and behind and have not been recognized for their work. 

Technology Allows For Emulation

Of course, while you can tell your employees what they have done in a private setting or just in passing, some companies set up rewards or public ways to share what employees are doing.

Some praise employees in morning meetings, through weekly email messages, or by giving them a gift that can be completed… like an employee of the month gift, or buying dinner for whoever makes the most sales. 

Recognizing your employees in front of others allows your other staff to recognize them too and fosters some community through congratulation.

Additionally, it allows everyone to see what values your company has and can help them strive to emulate them. Because while everyone loves to get recognized, they also want to be recognized too.

Read: 7 Important Ways to Set Up Strong Employee Motivation from Day One

Employee Recognition Opens Communication And Causes Trust

Finally, whenever you promote a culture of employee recognition and recognizing when things go right in your company as well as wrong, you promote trust between yourself and the management team, as well as the employees working under you.

And whenever both parts of the business feel a sense of trust and kinship towards one another, they are more enthusiastic about their jobs!

Additionally, it opens the lines of communication so bad news and mistakes and delays aren’t the only things that are going up and down them.

Instead, employees can come to the managers because they feel that their good work is being seen, and managers can talk to the employees because they talk about the good and aren’t just harbingers of bad news.

It Stops The Drain Of Employee Turnover

Finally, whenever you have an employee leave because they feel like they are not being recognized and they want to go somewhere where they are, then you need to replace that employee. 

Employee turnover can cost a business valuable time and money because you need to get the old employee out of the system, get the new employee into the system, and take the time to train them and get them all set up. 

Plus, recognized workers who are seen for who they are and what they do are much more likely to remain with the company because they feel valued. If you take the time to recognize your employees, then they will repay that investment with their loyalty and time.

Read: How to Optimize Your Working Condition for Your Employees

Start Small And Reap Big Benefits

It’s not that hard to start creating a new culture of recognition and communication in your workplace.

Start by paying attention to your company or your team whenever everything is going right, take a deeper look and see what and who is making the company work so well and causing things to be okay.

Focus on congratulating them first and then start looking at all your other employees and see what they do to help keep your business going.

Whether you focus on talking to them and congratulating them in person, through email, or in front of all your other employees, don’t hesitate to put your employees first and make sure that they know that you find who they are and what they do valuable.

It won’t take a lot of time, and it will have a massive impact on your business, not to mention on the lives of the people whose kind words are touching. That’s something that has an infinite value, for almost no cost at all. 

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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