
This is How to ACTUALLY Increase Your Focus Power

Your life is controlled by what you focus on. It doesn’t matter what goals or results you want to achieve in life, you need focus.

Your focus determines your reality. Whatever you focus on, expands.

Successful people are able to accomplish amazing results in life because they are 100% focused.

They focused on one idea, one goal, one mission, and they make sure everything they do every day, is channeled toward that one destination.

That’s how success is created

And you should do the same.

Bruce Lee once said…

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

So, the key to success is to monomaniacally focus on the one goal you want to achieve in life, and stop doing everything that will take your attention away from it.

The question is, how do you do that?

How do you actually increase your focus power and become a super achiever?

#1, work on your body

Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels – all of which affect focus and attention.

Medical studies found that as little as two minutes of exercise can temporarily boost memory. Longer periods of exercise, around 60 minutes, can improve cognitive function for up to two hours afterward.

Your body is made to move. So, exercise every day and make sure you live an active lifestyle.

#2, work on your mind

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Reading has been proven to increase your focus, attention span, and concentration, and to improve memory.

This is because when you read, the neural connections in your brain increase, forming bigger neural networks.

This will improve your cognitive skills, allowing your brain to better retain information and pay attention to what you’re focused on.

Therefore, make it a habit to read. Spend at least 30 minutes reading every day.

Read: 10 Practices How to Improve Yourself Every Day

Besides reading, you can also practice mindfulness through meditation. Meditation is one of the best methods that help you increase focus power.

And for your information, you can use a brainwave guidance program like InnaPeace to help you get even more out of meditation. With just 7 minutes of playing, you get to experience feelings of inner peace, joy, and tranquility.

#3, take short breaks throughout the day

It works just like your phone. When the battery is low, you charge your phone. The same goes for your energy and willpower.

Every day, you use your energy and willpower to make decisions, think, and work. And as you go through the day, working, you are using your energy.

When your energy is low, you will find it difficult to focus. And you will procrastinate.

This is why you want to take short breaks throughout the day.

Take a walk, stop for coffee, talk to someone, take a power nap, or practice meditation and deep breathing.

Taking a break will replenish your energy, make you feel fresh, and improves your focus power.

Read: The Importance of Taking a Short Break According to Research

#4, eliminate all possible distractions

You cannot focus when there are distractions. Just like you cannot read in a noisy room where everyone is talking loudly.

If you want to get your most important work done, make sure you create a space where you can work with full focus.

You want to eliminate distractions in your day-to-day life so that you’re able to focus better on the task at hand.

Similarly, you want to avoid shiny objects and unrelated opportunities that will take your attention away from your goal as well.

Read: 15 Tips on How To Eliminate Distractions At Work

#5, set small and specific daily goals

You want to set yourself up to win by giving specific instructions to your mind as to what you need to do.

Vague goals produce results. When something is vague and you do not know what to do, you will end up procrastinating.

Research has discovered that when people were given specific action steps for what they needed to do, they were more likely to follow through.

Therefore, make a daily action plan for what you want to accomplish.

Prime your mind for success by giving it specific instructions to follow through.

Read: How to Set Goals and Achieve Them


And this, my friend, is how you increase your focus power.

The better you are at focusing on just one idea, one goal, and one mission, the more successful you will become.

Remember, exercise because it helps you anticipate pleasure, feel motivated, and maintain hope.

Make it a habit to read because it strengthens the connections in your brain and improves your concentration.

Don’t forget to take short breaks because you need to recharge and replenish your energy and willpower.

And get rid of distractions. You cannot focus if you are constantly distracted.

And finally, give your mind specific action steps to focus on by setting small daily goals.

So, every day, invest in yourself and take time to train yourself to improve your focus.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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