
77 Positive Affirmations to Start the Day

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
– Muhammad Ali

Affirmation is a statement or a declaration that you tell yourself, either out loud or within yourself in your mind, repeatedly until it becomes true to you.

It is considered one of the most powerful and also a scientifically proven method in personal development to rewire the mind and condition your beliefs.

Meaning to say, if you consistently tell yourself that you are a smart person and brilliant at Mathematics, and if you repeat the idea in your head long enough, there is a high chance that you may convince yourself to believe that you are good in Mathematics, which the idea becomes real to you.

Affirmations are powerful and when they are used in the right way, they can change lives.

Practicing affirmations may not be new to you. In fact, it is a very common technique to most people, but the problem is that most people find it not really working for them.

If you are practicing affirmations but you don’t see them working effectively for you, there are a few reasons for this.

Previously, I have covered the reasons why affirmation is not working for most and how you can make it work. Read this post:

How To Make Your Affirmations Work – The 5 Simple Rules To Follow

Once you understand the fundamentals of how it works, it is time to learn the affirmations that can change your life, particularly, to start your day strong.

Below are the 77 examples of positive affirmations that you can practice to kick-start your day:

To start your day with a better health, both physically and mentally:

1. I am perfectly healthy, my body is in great shape, and I am beaming with energy.

2. I am enjoying an abundance of energy and I am feeling so healthy both physically and mentally.

3. I release myself from all negative energy and align myself with pure, fun, and positive energy.

4. Every day in every way, I am getting healthier and healthier, and feeling better and better.

5. I love myself and I am perfectly healthy in every way possible.

6. I always feel good and as a result, my body feels good and I radiate good feelings.

7. Good health is my birth right. I bless my body every single day and take good care of it.

8. I have a strong heart and a steel body. I am vigorous, energetic, and full of vitality.

9. I treat my body as a temple. It is holy, it is clean and it is full of goodness.

10. I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good nutritious food to my body.


To start your day with a strong and healthy relationship:

11. I am in a loving relationship filled with unconditional love, trust, and respect.

12. I have a wonderful partner, and we are both happy and at peace.

13. I am in a joyous intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.

14. I enjoy the time I spend with my spouse and we have fun together.

15. I love that my marriage is becoming deeper, stronger, and more loving every day.

16. I love that my relationship is becoming more romantic every day.

17. I enjoy being loved and treasured by my amazing, kind, and generous partner.

18. I am the best friend anyone can have because I am loyal, loving, and understanding.

19. I choose friends who love me the way I am and approve of me.

20. I show my family how much I love them in every way possible – both verbal and non-verbal.

21. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.


To start your day with abundance and success:

22. I am a money magnet. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

23. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.

24. I use money to better my life and the lives of others.

25. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.

26. My finances improve beyond my wildest dreams.

27. Every day in every way, I receive more and more money.

28. Whatever activities I perform make money for me and I am always full of money.

29. Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.

30. I attract money naturally. My middle name is money.

31. I am deserving of abundance in my life.

32. I am open to receive wealth in many ways.

33. The more I give, the more I receive. The more I receive, the more I give.

34. My life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need.

35. Prosperity overflows in my life. I have everything in abundance.

36. I allow all good things to come into my life and I enjoy them.

37. Right now, I accept the abundance that is flowing into my life.

38. I celebrate the abundance of others knowing that my joy in celebration increases my own abundance.


To start your day with hope, confidence, and feeling positive:

39. Every day is a new day full of hopes, happiness, and possibilities.

40. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

41. I claim my power and move beyond all limitations.

42. I am beautiful, and everybody loves me.

43. I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.

44. I am greeted by love wherever I go.

45. I am safe in the Universe and All Life loves and supports me.

46. My thoughts are my reality so I think up a bright new day.

47. There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other.

48. When my intentions are clear, the Universe cooperates with me and I can accomplish anything.

49. I think of only positive things and positive things happen in my life.

50. I am full of energy and hope and live my life to the fullest.

51. Motivation comes to me from inside. I am my own motivator.

52. I know that I have the knowledge and resources to achieve my dreams.

53. I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life.

54. I am destined for big success in life.

55. I am recognized as an expert in my industry for my pioneering work.


To start your day free of worry, stress, and negative feelings:

56. I easily release all tension from my mind and body.

57. I am beginning to live a more balanced and peaceful life.

58. Every day I become more peaceful and content.

59. My mind is becoming calm and clear.

60. I am working calmly towards resolving my worries and concerns.

61. I easily meet and overcome challenges.

62. I release my fear of failure. I am motivated by love, always.


To start your day with greatness and motivation:

63. I feel motivated and am moving in the direction of my dreams.

64. I am motivated to continue perusing my goals.

65. I feel alive, energized and motivated to take on any task in front of me.

66. I am continually re-energized and share that enthusiasm with others.

67. Because of my profound energy, I achieve and exceed at all that I do.

68. I am so motivated that others get inspired just by being around me.

69. I am confident in what I do and that keeps me motivated to continue moving forward.

70. I am motivated and live my life to the fullest.


To start your day focusing on your work and career:

71. Right now, I am working at my dream job.

72. I am a valued person at my workplace and my voice is always heard respectfully.

73. I have a great relationship with my colleagues as well as my boss.

74. I am a born entrepreneur. I recognize and seize opportunities as and when they appear.

75. I engage in work that impacts this world positively.

76. I am creating the career of my dreams. It appears in my mind and then in my world.

77. As I align my career with my true talents, the money and the happiness flows to me!


Create Your Own Affirmations

Of course, there are many more affirmations you can discover from all over the internet. One thing for sure, the most powerful and impactful affirmations are the ones that you created by yourself, and for yourself.

This is because only you will know what you, yourself want to accomplish in your life. You are the one who can create something emotional and something that will spark your motivation and make you want to achieve more.

So create your own affirmations. You have gone through so many examples of powerful and life-changing affirmations above; it is time for you to create your own.

Just write them down, and then practice them daily.

It doesn’t matter if it feels awkward at first; just practice it and do it daily. There are no wrong affirmations, only the ineffective ones.

And sometimes an affirmation may not be able to connect with you emotionally, but it can connect with others in a much better way.

This is why it is always better to create your own affirmations.

Don’t worry about their effectiveness or if you are affirming the wrong ones, you can always change them later; that is if you want to.

Practice Affirmations Daily

I know you understand it is important to do it on a consistent basis, but I feel that I need to emphasize its importance once again.

The only way you can turn an act into a habit is through repetition. And the best way to condition yourself with abundance, success, energy, and motivation is through repetition too.

Therefore, if you are not practicing your affirmations on a consistent basis, you may find them ineffective.

Things are not going to happen to you immediately, my friend. Success takes time. And so are affirmations.

If you keep telling yourself that you run a successful business and are making at least a million dollar a year, one day it may become true.

So do it every single day.

Shawn Lim

Hi there, this is Shawn. I inspire people to achieve their goals and dreams and to reach for higher success in life. If you want to learn more about me, kindly go to the About page. By the way, have you downloaded your FREE copy of The 90-90-1 Rule? Don't forget to do so. Cheers. :)

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  • Your affirmations are a corrupt and a plagiarism attempt. Bad job. Very bad. You are leading people to confusion.
    That is not how the mind operates. If I say I want to be happy, the exact opposite will happen, why? because the subconscious works in opposites.
    Too much to tell, so read the figu website to learn the real truth.

  • Most of the affirmations are actually delusions because you don't affirm any discipline regarding that action.
    I eat an apple a day! that's a healthy positive affirmation and you do it when you read the affirmation if you haven't done it already that day.

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